FAQ - Hour registration

As an employer, would you like to know how the registration of hours and invoicing of temporary employees works at PDZ? You can read it here.

How does time registration and invoicing work at PDZ?

A temporary employee receives his/her salary every week based on the hours registered and approved by you as the employer. Before the start of an assignment, we agree with you on how we will register the hours. This can be done in three ways: 1. A personal environment at www.pdz.nl where a digital declaration is ready. Temporary employees and employers can log in using a personal login code. 2. Your own time registration system from which we receive digital output and import this one-to-one into our system. 3. Our own time registration system. We set up this system together with you as the employer. You receive an invoice based on the approved hours. The payment term is 14 days.
