Privacy statement

PDZ is a service provider in the field of employment. PDZ belongs to a group of companies that fall under one umbrella organization; Stan Partnerships B.V.. These privacy regulations have been drawn up by Stan Partnerships and apply to all its various companies. In these regulations all companies to which these regulations apply will be referred to under the collective name STAN.
For our services it is necessary to process your personal data. We value your privacy and therefore strictly adhere to the rules resulting from the legislation in the field of privacy. We realize that it is important for you to know how your personal data is used and exchanged. By means of these privacy regulations we want to make clear what we do with the personal data you provide us. In these privacy regulations you will find answers to questions such as which personal data are stored by us in the administration, to whom your personal data are provided (and when), how long we keep your personal data and what your rights are with regard to the processing of personal data by us.
The provisions of these privacy regulations apply to:

  1. prospective temporary workers who have registered as job seekers with one of our organizations and temporary workers who are/will be employed by our clients;
  2. (internal) employees of STAN who are not made available to clients (office staff);
  3. former employees towards whom one of our companies has obligations if it is the own risk carrier for the Sickness Benefits Act and/or the WIA;
  4. all visitors to our websites;
  5. employees or representatives of our (potential) business associates (including suppliers and clients of STAN).