How PDZ provides training

We think it is important that you continue to develop in your work. PDZ is happy to help you with that! We offer you various training courses and education. 

Work on your future

The world is changing rapidly, so is the world of work. That's why you want to keep making progress. Grow in who you are, in what you can and in your opportunities. So that you have work that always has a future. Continuing to develop through training and courses is very important. We at PDZ employment agency would like to make that possible!

PDZ and your career

PDZ wants to ensure that you can remain productive, motivated and healthy at work, also in the long term. If you are working for us, we think it is important to hear whether your job still suits your wishes and personal situation. That is why we hold regular career interviews. In this way we can look together at your opportunities for growth, so you always continue to develop and enjoy going to work.

Why follow a training program us?

  • Wide choice of training, education and courses
  • Training entirely at the expense of PDZ
  • Earning money during your training
  • A fixed contact during the course
  • Work immediately after completing the course

Curious about our training programs?

  • Forklift and reach truck certificate 
  • Knowledge and skills for Operators
  • MBO Operator (level 2 and 3) 
  • MS Office
  • Helping Hands Level 2 
  • Helping Plus Extra level 2
  • C- & CE-driver

PDZ & Horizon College

Since 2019 PDZ has been working together with Horizon College for the training of intercedent. We guide the students during their training and put theory into practice with us. 

Want to know more?
Are you interested in training and want to know what your options are? We are happy to talk to you. Contact your local branch and make an appointment. Then together we will look at what suits your future.
